Vigsø "Observatory"
Here are some of my latest pictures.
All the pictures are taken with my Skywatcher Explorer 200PDS / 8 "f / 5 Newton Reflector
On a Skywatcher EQ6 Pro Synscan Mount and my Canon EOS 450 D.
200 PDS / 8" f/5 Parabol Newton Reflektor
My name is Jesper Vigsø, from Denmark born in 1967 as a profession, I am a Production Manager in a cabel production company.
I have always been deeply fascinated by the stars and our planet system since I was quite young.
I have subsequently had several different telescopes today I use most of my Skywatcher Explorer 200PDS / 8 "f / 5 Newton Reflector.
Here you can see a selection of astrophotos I have taken the last couple of years.
In the top menu there are my best astrophotos. They are broken down by Solsystem photos, respectively,
deep skyfotos, constellations and NGC photos. I got my first "real" telescope in 2010.
My primary interest pt. are deep skyfotos and planets.